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Email Marketing

One of the Most Effective Online Marketing Tools

We Can Help Grow or Better Utilize Your Mailing List

Email is one of the most cost-effective ways to broadcast your message and brand to your audience. We can create, manage and send email marketing campaigns for you based on a custom designed email template to match your brand.

Why Should You Start Using Email Marketing?

Contacting Website Leads

If someone visits your website and fills out form. This information is goes into the your CRM. Then you want to send an email to all leads. We would simply segment your database based on customers who filled out the form. And run the email marketing campaign with well designed template. The reporting will be able to tell you who opened the email and what specific actions they took on your website.

Drip Marketing Campaigns

Drip Marketing Campaigns are great for staying in the forefront of your customer’s mind, for instance a weekly tips newsletter. Here you can pre-define your emails and once a customer signs up for the campaign they will automatically receive the recurring emails based on when they signed up. The entire campaign is automated, personalized, and most importantly, effective.

Important Dates & Reminders

Enter key dates into the customer’s record and have emails automatically sent to your client based on those dates, for instance:

  • Next appointment date
  • Marriage anniversary
  • Birth Day Wishes
  • Check-up date
  • Follow Up Date
  • Warranty expiration
  • Service Due Date
  • Special Offers
Get in touch

We will help your business maximize its email marketing potential

Contact us to learn more about email marketing and convert your leads in to sales.

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