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Video Ads Network

Tell Your Story To Your Customers In A Shorter And Smarter Way

Experience the power of video ads

Companies need many things to thrive: visionary leadership, a compelling offering, exceptional service, and much more. But in today’s noisy marketing landscape, what your brand really needs is a story.

Stories make for better marketing because they elicit emotion. They can influence who we trust, play on our nostalgia, and help us make sense of complex information. A really great story can communicate the entire character of a brand in less than three minutes, and clever stories can help you become especially persuasive.

Why use video marketing?

Video is critical to your content strategy because it’s snack-sized, memorable, and measurable. These aren’t just the components that make it perfect for your audience who crave short, engaging pieces, but they’re also the features that make video every marketer’s dream format.

Because it’s especially visual, you can use video to teach complex concepts (what is content for if not to make things clearer for your audience?), to share stories about your customers, and to inspire marketing-specific actions (things like demos, trials, subscriptions, and more).

But beyond video’s unique ability to convert like no other, the medium has become especially valuable to data-driven marketers. This is because you can track and measure audience engagement for video in a really meaningful way.

You can tie your videos directly to the deals they’re helping to influence and you can see which assets are actually resonating based on content engagement analytics. This is the reporting that marketing desperately needs to identify their most engaged leads faster and prove the value of game-changing initiatives.


The 10 Key Advantages Of video marketing

why use video for business?

Your customers are watching more video

The statistics prove that your target audience is watching video, which is probably the only benefit you need to hear: 92% of B2B prospects consume online video 4 billion videos are watched on YouTube every day About one-third of shoppers will purchase a product after viewing a video ad.

Video ads convert sales

The biggest names in online marketplaces, including Amazon and eBay, report that adding a video ad to a product description increases the chances of a shopper buying that item by up to 35%.

Give People What They Want

When people considering buying something and want to explore their options, consumers use a variety of methods. Such as using a search engine, visiting a company official website, looking at websites and product review, and watching videos. Video could easily be incorporated into every one of those places, giving your brand a better chance of convincing the consumer.

People share video

Those who view a video ad and find it interesting or valuable will share it with their followers on social media. In fact, more than 700 videos are shared by Twitter users every minute. This phenomenon can increase your video’s exposure exponentially.

Video ads do well among mobile users

The number of people watching videos on mobile devices continues its upward climb. One interesting statistic for companies distributing video is that 88% of short pieces, around 30 seconds, are watched through to the end on mobile. The same isn’t true for those viewing the ad on a computer.

Best Tool for informing and educating

Because it incorporates audio and visual elements that appeal to multiple senses, video ads perform as well as educational tools. They’re especially effective when used for product demonstrations or in as How-To guides, as viewers can actually see how certain things work or learn a new skill.

Search engines love video

The biggest search engine companies put a priority on video content when making tweaks to the algorithms that present certain sites higher on the rankings page. Distributing videos via social media, posting them on blogs and embedding them on your website increases the likelihood that your target audience will find you when searching for relevant information.

more information in a short time

You can say more in a shorter amount of time on video as compared to text. Video is more engaging to the senses, so it can convey more information by showing and telling at the same time.

tells your story better than other medium

The emotional impact of video ads is significant. You make a more solid personal relationship when you’re storytelling through sight and sound, connecting a viewer’s emotions to your product or service.

more insights of your audience behavior

The video ad network, provide statistics that enable you to understand how your content performs. Knowing the audience behavior and reaction on your video ad views, shares, likes and social interactions can help you plan future campaigns, which makes your content more effective at reaching your target audience.
Get in touch

Want to engage more with your customers

With video ads marketing, you can engage more with your customers and tell your product features in shorter time. For more details contact our expert team to help you.

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