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School Prospectus

The prospectus is a key tool and a must have handy with you

Whether you are seeking to attract new pupils or reinforce the image of their establishment, the prospectus is simply a key tool in your armory and a must have in your promotional mix. Alongside your website, staff and any other communications your prospectus offers a valuable insight to parents and students alike.


Attract new students with attractive prospectus

We have a huge amount of experience in creating bespoke, engaging prospectus’ designed with expert photography and enticing copywriting to spark interest, promote your brand and ultimately drive registrations.

Our design process takes your needs to heart and through our strong partnerships with printers we’re able to supply finished designs in a range of finishes, stocks and specifications.

Why Cookie Pool Media Solutions?

Whether as a printed document or an innovative online electronic document, we use strong images to design a fresh, interesting, and exciting school prospectus design that truly engages, sparks interest, promotes your brand and ultimately generates sales and new registrations. Naturally we ensure that the prospectus is written to a high standard – either by briefing our copywriters or using and editing the copy you provide. We design documents that engage both adults and pupils alike.

Our little extra

Our knack for photography combined with creative design skills means we can portray your offer differently, so you can enjoy greater footfall!

Get in touch

Want to make an impact of your school at parent's first visit

Then you are at right place for all your need. Contact us to off load all your worries.

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